It is such an honour to introduce to you all our Spirit Sister and friend Nicky from Nicky Create.

Nicky is a free spirited Yogini, Yoga teacher, Artist and Art teacher and all round rad human being. You can follow her journey of yoga and art as well as her amazing adventures around the world over on Instagram here.

I first met Nicky in 2016, when she won a Spirit People giveaway we ran in collaboration with Byron Bay Spirit Festival, She was just 20 years old at that time and I remember being just blown away by her alignment with spirit at such a young age, her passion for yoga, art, sustainability, nature and living a high vibing lifestyle at just 20 was such an inspiration to me.

In person this beautiful yogini has the most infectious passionate and quirky fun personality, she is spontaneous, kind, compassionate and so creative and dynamic in her energy.

Over the past 4 years, I have had the pleasure of working with her on two seperate Spirit People photo shoots, which has seen her sharing her boundless energy, beauty and grace with all of us in this space and on our instagram a lot over the years.

During that time I have also watched her create the most ahhhmazing Art, transforming ordinary walls, public spaces and cafes into wonderlands of art that draws people in and inspires creative interaction with the community.

From her beautiful intricate wings that are photographed and shared by people from all over the world, to her stunning insta worthy murals of swings and rainbows and her nature inspired murals at cafes all over Radelaide.

This dynamic woman and her work is such a pleasure to celebrate in this series, check out some of her creations and read our interview with Nicky below.

Nicky Create #iamspirit post


Let’s start with the basics, how old are you? And where did you grow up?

I’m 24 years around the sun and grew up in South Australia

Where are you currently based?

 Adelaide (Radelaide)

What three words best describe you right now and your Intention/Essence/ offerings?

Open. Growing Artist. Determined woman 

Can you share with us a little about your Journey with Yoga and or Spirituality, whatever that means to you?

Yoga started with my scoliosis which gave me terrible body hate, I now can hardly notice it on myself. This is only because of constant ashtanga yoga classes with my teacher since I was 16.

The journey continued to yoga festivals – most memorably the Byron Spirit Festival, the birthplace for my mind starting to open, my heart expanding and eyes really seeing. It was also where I met Gemma the Spirit People founder, lady boss and strong woman! Spirituality to me is connection with others and myself on the deepest level. 

Can you Share with us a little about what led you to begin starting your biz/ sharing your current offerings?

Really it was my boss at a café I worked at (I was a dishy) He is an incredible man with great vision for people, who just told me to go paint something on the café wall, because ‘ you can paint and your artsy’ hahaha! 

Now I’m a freelance mural/street artist.

So from there I just learnt how to communicate with people, businesses, how to email properly, schedule, design, and much more. Still a massive work in progress. But I will get there. 

What have been your biggest triumphs?

Hmmm, two. One, painting a 15m long 8m high wall by myself and never having painted anything considered ‘large scale’ and second being, painting a mural in India which was loud, hard, weird and wonderful

What have been your biggest fears, obstacles and challenges along the way? And what has really helped you in overcoming them?

Fears… not achieving enough, I’m not afraid of much but not doing enough does scare me. I’m getting better at accepting the pace I go, which is often 100 times crazier than most. I now try to practice looking back at my year or months in a little book I write in called ‘things I have achieved’ its awesome.

What lessons are you most grateful for, in life and in Biz?

Realising that ‘I am intelligent’ in my work and self, I was often told I was stupid as a child and never thought I could be smart, so I just tried to be pretty. Now I know I am extremely intelligent, in my profession and views, morals and way I see the world.  

What advice would you give another facing a similar challenge?

Ditch the fairytale barbie crap telling girls we are pretty first and smart later,  embrace your strengths, intelligence, bravery and don’t be afraid to speak up, yell, defend your true unique self. 

What are the biggest challenges you face now? either personally or in what you do? or both?

My biggest challenges are being open to critique, in relationships and work. Critique with my art, as I want people to love it all, and when someone real comes along and says something negative I have a hard time getting over it, but I know it's useful and pushes me to be better. In love I struggle to talk about problems and I will push whatever is bothering me away, or close off completely. My current relationship is really testing that and its amazing, I'm having to sit and talk about my feelings - sounds easy but its a challenge!

We all deal with fears and insecurities; how do you combat overwhelm and self-doubt?

Write a lot, sit and let everything wash over me, or scream and shout it out, run outside, wait for it to pass and let whatever arises in that time do its thing. It’s not a glamourous time for me usually haha

What’s next for you any exciting plans you would like to share?

Ooohh, I'm currently working on a line of clothing and homewares, the drawings/patterns are designed by me along with the design of the clothing and cushions ect. I really haven't told many people at all. Mainly because Ive never done it before but I'm confident in my style, creative flair and I love adventure.

Hopefully it pays off for my business and art!

Spirit Rituals, can you share with us any practices or routines that you do to keep you feeling inspired, grounded and connected?

Running is a big ritual for me, gives me an out of body feeling every time.
Ashtanga Yoga series, advanced and fast paced, clears my mind and is just like an all over yoga love hug for the body!

Alone time, I’m a huge dreamer so I like to be quiet and just think while listening to my favourite artist ever – Deva Premal. 

Who have been the most influential or inspirational people/ teachers on your path?

Karen Gunter – My longtime yoga teacher, yoga mumma, and life coach. She is real with me, doesn’t sugar coat the truth and always there for me. I truly love her

Gwen Williams (Zen Thai) – I haven’t had many classes with him, but really, he started the entire spiritual yogi journey for me in Byron Spirit Festival. A class on touch and movement, my first taste of true soft loving human contact, feeling deeply connected. I really can’t say how much that was a turning point for me.

What does #iamspirit mean to you?

It’s the true essence of my being, my creativity, what motivates me, draws me to beauty, people, places and love.


Nicky Create Mural in India

Nicky Create Art - Painting Goddesses

Teaching art to minority groups

Nicky create Mural

nicky Create finished mural

Nicky Create Interactive Rainbow Mural

April 12, 2020 — Gemma Rewcastle

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