We’ve created #iamspirit as a way to share in our communities yoga & spirit practices.
We wanted to create a movement that unites us as a community, a way in which we can inspire and support each other, to celebrate our differences, but also to celebrate what unites us, to recognise ourselves in each other and know that we are not alone.
We would love you to join in and share your practice with us, whatever that looks like for you.
To get involved tag us on Instagram with a picture that captures your spirit practice, or whatever it is that connects you to spirit, add the tag #iamspirit and caption whatever that means to you. Then simply follow the tag #iamspirit for inspiration and support.
Every Tuesday we will feature your #iamspirit posts in our stories and save them to our highlights too, so don't forget to tag us in your posts.
Let’s create a movement together that brings to light the varied and unique ways that we move our bodies and inspire our spirits.
Let’s inspire and celebrate one another in our practice and ditch the dogma, and expectations around what a spiritual practice should look like and all the expectation around self image that go with it.
Lets start conversations that connect us all in both our Spirituality and our human-ness.
Let's start conversations that feed our spirits and inspire more connection.
Let's inspire more peace, beauty and kindness in the world.
We cant wait to practice with you!