What an honour it is to be sharing our Spirit Sister series with you all again. Today I am so excited to introduce our Spirit Sister, the beautiful Pirita  Martikainen from Pirita Yoga.

Pirita is a Brisbane based yoga teacher and cycle coach who specialises in helping women build a holistic practice that incorporates yoga and mindfulness techniques with cycle awareness. To create space, improve productivity, decrease fatigue and foster creativity during each phase of the menstrual cycle. 

You can work with this goddess one on one through her private coaching sessions, her online cycle awareness courses or join  Pirita’s Cycle Conscious Collective, which reopens its doors this Tuesday the 4th of August.

Pirita has created the Cycle Conscious Collective specifically for women who desire to turn inward, practice yoga in tune with their menstrual cycle and use their cycle as their inner superpower. 

Find all the information on Pirita's offerings on her website here or follow her on instagram at @piritayoga where she shares tonnes of free and super helpful save worthy information on Yoga and Cycle awareness.
But for now, you can get to know this beauty a little more in our Interview with Pirita below, where she shares with us about what led her to work in the area of cycle awareness and she opens up about some of her life lessons and shares with us some of the wisdom she's gained from her experiences.

Let’s start with the basics, how old are you? And where did you grow up?

I’m 25 years old. I grew up in a small town in Eastern Finland in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nature and when I was 10, I moved to the “big city” Helsinki with my family.


Where are you currently based?

I currently live in Brisbane.


What three words best describe you right now and your Intention/Essence/ offerings?

Highest self, connection, embodied.


Can you share with us a little about your Journey with Yoga and or Spirituality, whatever that means to you?

For me, yoga started solely as a physical practice now over 10 years ago! But when I moved to Australia a bit over 2 years ago, my yoga mat became my sanctuary. The place where I could turn inward, be myself and let go of everything else. Today, yoga is something I practice on and off the mat. For me, it’s all about being in tune with myself and the cyclical nature of my body, taking time to slow down and giving myself the permission to just be.


Can you Share with us a little about what led you to begin starting your biz/ sharing your current offerings?

For me, the biggest things have been overcoming my own obstacles and understanding how powerful it is to tap into the feminine cycles and my truest self. I have always struggled with cycle-related issues such as painful & heavy periods, migraines and very strong PMS. Overcoming these by tapping into cycle awareness and learning to sync my life with my cycle without sacrificing my goals has been life-changing.

Even though our cycle is a beautiful thing, there’s so much shame, guilt and suffering associated with it and there are so many misconceptions about it. All women go through it every month and it should be something that empowers us and allows us to live our lives on our terms.


What have been your biggest triumphs?

Realising that I can actually do what I love and I have unique strengths that I can use to genuinely help others!


What have been your biggest Fears, obstacles and challenges along the way? And what has really helped you in overcoming them?

Failing! But I’m starting to understand that there’s no such thing as failing. I’m also someone who used to be very impatient, so I’ve had to work on that a lot as building a business doesn’t happen overnight.


What lessons are you most grateful for in life and in what you do?

Definitely all the inner work that I’ve done especially after moving halfway across the world from home. It has given me so much strength and has definitely been a journey! Life has been very unpredictable ever since and I’ve dealt with a feeling of uprootedness a lot, but at the same time, I’m starting to understand that as long as I’m happy with myself, I can make my home anywhere.


What advice would you give another facing a similar challenge?

Wherever you go, there you are. There’s nothing more important than recognising what you truly want and learning to be there for yourself.


What are the biggest challenges you face now? either personally or in what you do? or both?

Building a solid home-base. I’ve moved over 10 times during the last 5 years so I would like to settle down in Brisbane for a little longer!


We all deal with fears and insecurities; how do you combat overwhelm and self-doubt?

I remind myself that we are all humans and everyone has started somewhere. I try not to compare myself with others and if I find myself doing that, I usually reach out to the person I’m comparing myself with and make friends with them. When I get overwhelmed or start to think how far I still have to go, I tell myself what my boyfriend always tells me - this is a journey, not a sprint. It’s also a great exercise to just think of the things you’ve already achieved!


What do you currently most crave in life and in what you do?

Real, meaningful connections! I’m 100% an introvert and love to talk deep!


What’s next for you, any exciting plans on the horizon that you would like to share?

Building the Cycle Conscious Yogi Collective membership group! I love how being online opens so many avenues and I envision our collective growing and becoming a place for women to share their experiences, explore their own cycle, practice cycle conscious yoga and really live life on their terms.


Spirit Rituals, can you share with us any practices or routines that you do to keep you feeling inspired, grounded and connected?

Meditation and cycle journaling are my musts. Cycle journaling is a very simple practice where you write down how far in your cycle you are and how you’re feeling.


Who have been the most influential or inspirational people/ teachers/ Books or places on your path? and why?

Wayne D. Dyer definitely. I read his first book when I was 15 and still remember some parts crystal clear and I know his words have definitely guided me to the right direction. My yoga teacher Kylie Hennessy has also been very influential especially because I love her take on women’s health and birth.


What does #iamspirit mean to you?

Even when I think I am alone I am connected and guided.

Images by @jasonh.photography

August 02, 2020 — Gemma Rewcastle

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